Chard deNiord

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Second Story View of a Parade

This mess we’re in is no more complicated
Today then yesterday, or 1492. Imagine
How Columbus felt trying so hard
To raise the money to risk his life. Even
If he was a man of words or had the backing
Of the church, how often did he have to lie
In the arms of royalty? When you think
He once said to Isabella: “Neither reason
Nor mathematics nor maps are of any use
To me,” you know he no more wanted to hear
“Land Ho” than be famous for it.
The sad truth is Columbus was a so-so- actor
Who became a star the night he forgot
His lines and ad-libbed. The audience
Loved it anyway. After that, he couldn’t
Even look his dog in the face.

This is not to say things aren’t urgent now.
It’s just that crises take much longer
To be front-page news. The phone is ringing
And you have an idea who it is,
But you don’t answer. Voilà. The contest.
It becomes a crisis by the ninth ring.
You can put the phone in the freezer or go
Out for a drink and congratulations if you run
Into someone you know or will never forget.
Consider yourself Columbus.
He didn’t stay longer either.