John Curl

Audio Player


Sound of your name backwards
rain on the roof 
geese honk at the moon
Sound of your conscience in the dark
waves lapping the shore
Sound of the beating of your heart
a fog horn at the waterfront
Sound of the last sound you heard before you fell asleep
a freight train passes in the night
hinges squeak 
sandpaper scrapes mahogany 
gears grinding
sirens approaching
neighbors squabble
a front door slams
Sound of a cop writing you up
honking in a traffic jam
a coyote howls 
footsteps behind you
gunshots in the night
Sound of dollars whipping through a money machine
Sound of a spider waiting in a web
Sound of a billy club cracking a head
a knife puncturing skin
fingers being broken again and again
flying seagulls mew and squawk
hound dogs whine
Sound of a frightened rabbit 
Sound of a wounded fawn
Sound of your roof being ripped off
car bodies crunching collide 
a dog fight
a mine cave-in
a shark frenzy
Sound of the force of gravity hitting the sidewalk
Sound therapy.

Sound of a wedding rehearsal
Sound of a sudden reversal
Your father’s voice at dinner 
Sound of your mother’s kiss at bed time
sea lions barking
butter sizzling in a frying pan 
Sound of storm water seeping into the earth
Sound of the wind through whispering aspens
Sound of a truth being told for the first time
Sound of the back of your neck
Sound of touching that sweet spot
two pebbles striking under water
a woodpecker tapping nearby
frogs croak at twilight 
a dog gnaws on a bone
a crackling fire
an elephant trumpets
Sound of a swan song
a stranger speaks to you in a dream
rolling thunder in the distance
Sound of a kid’s birthday party
Sound of your first lover’s tickle
Sound of children dancing
a baby gurgles
your best friend’s giggle
Sound therapy.

Sound of a flock of small birds frolicking 
in a weeping willow
Sound of a woman in love
Sound of a misunderstanding
a sigh of passion
a sigh of relief
Sound of your tears soaking into your pillow
a sudden commotion
storm over the ocean
Sound of a hateful curse 
Sound of a nonsense verse
Sound of hair brushing
Sound of lips touching
Sound of a mockingbird riffing
Sound of a cat sniffing 
Sound of a waterfall at dawn
Sound of a key turning in a lock 
Sound of a luxurious yawn
Sound of a rolling rock
Sound of a chain being broken
Sound of your truelove’s kiss
Sound of a mind being opened
Sound of infinite bliss
a cricket’s song
a Tibetan gong.