John Curl

Audio Player

Knight of Pentacles

The key is learning the craft,
the discipline, the creative
power in objects and words, 
reading the golden talisman 
in your hand as you rest briefly
along the dusty trail
overlooking the gardens of toil.

The rider on the crest of the hill
contemplates the long road, 
watching both sun and rain in 
the distance, searching the horizon.

Open the grimoire to the
dog-eared page.
Understanding the power of 
the symbols and the fragility 
of it all, is to change your mind, 
to transform the world. The 
art of the soil brings 
knowledge and maturity. 
Till the earth, mulch and water 
deeply the length and breadth 
of your small plot.
Stand your ground when you need to.
Seeds will sprout and grow
with the sweat of your brow.