Laurel Feigenbaum

Audio Player

Hip Replacement Keeps Old Dogs Running

I’ve been thinking about the evolution of man and dog, 
one descended from wolves, the other a common ancestor 
with apes living in caves, foraging for food, running wild 
on two or four legs. Modern world companions now, 
domesticated and housebroken with access to hair 
appointments, play dates, balanced diets, comfortable 
beds, silicone implants, fashionable clothing, psychics, 
psychologists, advanced medicine and machines, health 
insurance and most important—end-of-life care. No matter 
their unequal life span, aging takes an equal toll. Slowed 
motion, “accidents,” hearing loss, cataracts, joint pain, 
where did I bury that bone? type questions, doctor 
appointments, pills, less play, more sleep, dependent on 
care takers and others to make decisions, though still that 
spouse or old dog.