Freya Manfred

One Black Hair

For years she had one black hair on her red-blond head.
No one noticed it but her. Then it disappeared.
But now it’s grown back.
She feels sexier with this single mysteriously-curly black hair
than without it — wild, yet sublimely calm,
darkly beautiful, and so at ease with men.
Even her dream life has changed with this secret hair!
Now she lives by a midnight sea, and walks down to the waves
on a smooth obsidian path lined with ebony trees.
Soon there will be no difference between her
and the silky dolphins, rising on their sinuous tails,
or the slick sea otters, with their sharp whiskers
pressed against her face. The sea is her orchard,
and she can survive underwater for hours,
safe in her salty animal self, phosphorescent eyes alight,
ready for some enchanted night-time passion,
transform by the power of one black hair.