Annie Dillard

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Learning to Fear Watercolor

                                 —Nicholson’s Peerless Water Colors, Instructions

Water Colors on FILM LEAFLETS.

Lay them on quickly. Begin.
They flow; they form shades and tints.

FLESH TINT: Be very careful
With this color. The tendency is
To get the wash too strong.

LIGHT GREEN: The tendency is
To get all greens too dark.

SKY BLUE: The tendency is
To color the sky too deeply. It must
Be well diluted and put on with great care.

SEPIA BROWN: Roadway, limbs
Of trees…a very serviceable color.
Much patience will be required.

DEEP BLUE: Very strong,
So use only small clippings.
Go to the work boldly. Cultivate
A free wrist movement. WE THANK YOU
For your interest in Peerless Colors
And hope you have enjoyed using them.

Always color your sky first—
Most fascinating, and so simple.