Siobhan Potter

... from Daniel, does it have to have happened if it is true

There is a place in the vagina where the pelvis 
Given the alchemy of hate and castor oil
Can hold a baby to the point of death or asphyxiation 
Wherein its own orgasm opens it up for the m(other) to climb inside
To be carried through the birth canal into the world
To ride around inside the hated babe
There is a place due south where no oil is necessary
There is a place in the heart that has been vaccinated against hope
In this medicine bag naps the notion, that if need be will kill you
Fasten it around your neck for safekeeping
There is a place within family, eternally wintery
That dialogues only with death and will have its way
Birthing children to be sick, or not at all
There is a place where mothers can not want children
There is a place where children kill mothers, perpetually
There is a place in family that drives people to it
When you are not being driven there, you are at the wheel
There is a place in winter devoid of autumn or spring
There is a place where silence is not to be
There is a place inside daylight that has never known it, yet is not night-time
There is a place where you have met yourself 
It is the last relationship you want to be in
There is a place where you and I have met
There is a place where you will forsake me
There is a place that I will not go with you
There is a place that you persistently drag me toward
There is a place in you that is murderous
Do you know what it is doing 
When you are not killing someone 
There is a place where there is no shortage of places

There are more places...