For A Lady of Pleasure
Now Retired
some small island birthed
her and a big (probably) white ship took her
from mother to come
to america’s recreation
she lives in the top of my building
i only know her through her eyes
she is old now not only from years
but from aging
one gets the impression she was most
beautiful and like good wine
or a semiprecious jewel touted out
for the pleasure of those
who could afford
her recreation
her head is always high
though the set of her mouth shows
it’s not easy
she asks nothing
seems to have something
to give but no one to give it
to if ever she gave it
to anyone
age requires happy memories like louvenia smiled
when she died and though her doctor had told her not
to there was pork cooking
on the stove
there are so many new mistakes
for a lady of pleasure
that can be made it shouldn’t be
necessary to repeat the old
and it was cold
on the elevator that morning
when i spoke to her and foolishly asked
how are you
she smiled and tilted her head
at least, i said, the sun is
and her eyes smiled yes
and i was glad to be
there to say through spirits
there is a new creation
to her
= Joan Grant