Nikki Giovanni

Audio Player

A Word for Me…Also

Vowels…are a part of the English language…There are five in
the alphabet…though only one…between lovers…

My father…you must understand…was Human…My
mother…a larva…and while I concede most Celestial
Beings…have taken the bodies of the majority…I chose differ-
ently…No one understands me…at all…except the 
clouds…and grasses…and waters cresting…against the 

I just don’t know…what to do…with myself…I have forgot-
ten the names…I fear being called…I have rested the bur-
dens…of my will…I inhale the illogic…of the moment…
exuding inert emotions…I am still…beside you…happily

Words…are the foundation of thought…Many people think
they think…but cannot put it…into words…My grand-
mother thought…she could drive a car…too…though she
couldn’t do Reverse…There is a word for me…also…