A Song of Another Tribe
Guilt said the bony man
Do you feel guilt
At your desires?
No. I said my guilt comes when
My desires find no way.
Country of sand and claws;
I wait for my rescuer.
No one will venture there.
Out of long silences
Come I to wordless song
O let my singing bring me
To that place
Where live waters
Rise and go.
There may the living arrive,
Go and return.
Find me, and I find,
And go finding.
A beating sound, I hear
A sound of riding.
Speed after silence
And at last music,
Words of another tribe:
My riding is on swift mares,
My love is by the green water-springs;
For a short moment I will sit there,
I will look upon her wandering face,
I will put an end to the black delay.