John Curl

Conjuring Realignment

Here we are, in this blind-sided alley 
of dying and living, in these rasping 
gasps of what they flatteringly call
civilization, lucky us,
we've reached it in our lifetimes, 
hurtling off the vertiginous cliff of destiny.
They've been desecrating our sweet 
world and abusing each 
other ever since the human 
psyche began, they’re hopeless, 
so why bother? why even bother to 
write this poem? who cares 
about a poem in a time of civilization 

Lo! The circle is drawn around us. 
The candle is lit. The power of
water enters inside. 
Let there be the illusion of time!
Let up be up and up be down!
Let down be down! Let down be up!
In this time of civilization collapse
unleash the powers in ancient sounds, 
in ancient words, ancient runes, 
unleash the powers in ancient 
spells, incantations, invocations, 
divinations, conjurations. Now!
Now is the ancient boiling point, now
the ancient breaking point, now 
the ancient flash point of rebellion!
Dark forces! Begone!
Out! Return to darkness!
Begone! All negative energy!
Dark forces, Gone! Lo!
The circle is drawn around us!
Leave our homes unharmed!
Now is the dew point of realignment, 
of healing. Behold! The clouds part!
The voices speak!
This does not belong to you! 
This is our greatgrandchildren's ocean, 
these are their forests! 
Their homes, their streets, 
their food, their flowers! 
Dark forces! Begone!
Out! Return to darkness!
Let there be sharing!
Let there be shining!
Let there be luminescence!