Nancy Cherry

Audio Player

When to Worry

When your parents start to look like their parents.
When sleep becomes a surprise. 
When the mirror reflects someone you never expected.
When the night noises in the attic are not imagined.
When you can no longer button the top button.
When you can’t unbutton any button.
When you buy back clothes you donated to Goodwill, 
	buy that book again, and
	new music on the radio sounds like crap.
When getting out of a car takes longer than getting in.
When your front steps become aerobic. 
When your cat gets more exercise than you do.
When you count the time in your car as being ‘outdoors.’
When you wonder who you’ll vote for.
When fish sticks and mac ‘n cheese at Denny’s
	sound like a fun night out.
When you stop drinking real coffee.
When you start drinking Milk of Magnesia.
When ironing becomes a hobby.
When waiting rooms become social gatherings.
When the person you love can count how many times.