There are passages
of history
written by women
with pens
and paint
with scars
and blood
and beating hearts
Wolf Mother Locas
who bay at the moon
to receive the warrior’s light
Medicine Mamas
ready with remedies
for bodies
and minds
and souls
A blood sunrise
is tattooed
on their hearts
there is thunder
in their voices
and lightning
in their veins
Feet march
fists rise
ideas radiate
Divine Feminine
ignites action
engenders genius
forges the infinite
of culture
and survival
There are sisters
who bear burdens
and beauty
who birth
children and ideas
Wounded warriors
who seek to heal
and yearn
to restore
planetary balance
and to be in
with earth
with moon
with sun
with self
with each other
Time slows
eyes close
palms meet
thoughts surrender
to the eternity of breath
that merges
with the divine
La Diosa
is in the house!
Quan Yin
Coyolxauqui and Oba
dance to Oshun’s
river tempos
Shiva spins oldies
and Kali falls
into the salty arms
of Yema Ya
on a delicious
full moon night
The goddess is present
in the words
of Rigoberta Menchu
in the passion
of Lolita Lebron
in the love
of Audre Lorde!
La Diosa
is well and kicking
and ready
to inhabit hearts
expand minds
lift spirits
renew societies
Receive the maguey plant
the gift
of golden corn
Drink the rising water
and calm the shaking earth
Write the passages
she longs for
with your joy
and with your tears
Satisfy your soul
stand in the power
that is woman
and be the evolution!