The Want For a Cloud
Another morning — and your name still
slices into me. There’s no simile for this,
or metaphor about how sharp this is,
how dead you are. I’m afraid
I’m getting better at shrugging you away
each day, always at the same time,
when the city starts its cheap music,
belting the usual off-tune torch songs.
That impulse to go to the window to look at
anything — a man bolting a sign to a wall,
another taking a break in his junk
of a truck, thermos sticky with fingerprints.
This hunger to be distracted from thinking
of you — the want for a cloud, call, or a friend’s
small tragedies to stop me from remembering
you. Is that when one begins to die?
When the slipknot you thought would never
let go of your throat feels looser? And when it does,
and you’re secretly relieved — is that a sign?
And which of us exactly is it who is dying?