Christopher Morley

Audio Player

My Pipe

My pipe is old
And caked with soot;
My wife remarks:
“How can you put
That horrid relic,
So unclean,
Inside your mouth?
The nicotine
Is strong enough
To stupefy
A Swedish plumber.”

I reply:
“This is the kind
Of pipe I like.
I fill it full
Of Happy Strike,
Or Barking Cat
Or Cabman’s Puff,
Or Brooklyn Bridge
(That potent stuff)
Or Chaste Embraces,
Knacker’s Twist,
Old Honeycomb
Or Niggerfist.

I clamp my teeth
Upon its stem—
It is my bliss,
My diadem.
Whatever Fate
May do to me,
This is my favorite
For this dear pipe
You feign to scorn
I smoked the night
The boy was born.”