The Synagogue of the Ear of Corn
No temple no high priest
no sacrifice
a place of prayer and study
where they praise and argue and complain
you enjoy the strident sound of their voices
my people said the old woman their garlic and onions
some think you chose them
they chose you
When the morning stars sang together
and the sons of God shouted for joy
when the planet appeared in the sky
a blue-green jewel
I was down there in my purple dress
beside a river there were thousands of us flowers
life all around us so incredible
the mother of all rock concerts
We have arrived said the dog
scratching behind his ear
after scrambling down a hill millions of years long
we hail you and we bring you messages
from your own past
for we have the same body heat
the same animal hungers as you dear friend
the same soul beaming through our eyes