The Coward
The father came through the back door
into the kitchen
swinging the ax from side to side
striking first the door jamb
on the left
then the blue counter top
on the right
His strides were even
a step
a swing
a step
a swing
The old floorboards sagged slightly
beneath his feet
the dog skittered out of his way
The girl and her mother alone
In the house
two people
each alone
in slow-motion terror
the mother and girl
cross the threshold
into the living room
move toward the front door
He keeps swinging
As he moves closer
they push open the front door
What had angered him
They did not know
They seldom knew
Once outside
The girl hid behind the chimney
The mother stood frozen
in the middle of the driveway
A husky young neighbor walked by
Please help us! The girl cried out.
Deaf to the fear in the girl’s voice
Blind to the terror in the mother’s face
The passerby responded only to the father
as he came out the front door
smiling and without the ax
He gave the father a friendly hello
and continued down the street.
It was all over
The mother, stone faced
turned to her daughter
Nothing really happened she said