Gabrielle Rilleau

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First Dance

I am dancing with Barry Rhoda                         I am dancing with Barry Rhoda                Stopped 
I do not want to be at this dance                         I do not want to be at this dance               Stopped      
Step                                                                     I am too young                                          Stopped
one two                                                               Carla’s dress is too big                              In the middle of the dance floor                   
three four                                                             Barry is only nine                                     While they are shouting
I am a young ten year old                                    but he’s a scrapper                                    I tip tip toe away                 
Barry is a small and younger nine                                                                                         in Carla’s too big dress     
                                                                           Peter Manso taps Barry on the shoulder    go back
This a Yacht and Tennis Club dance                  He’s a summer kid                                      to the wooden folding chairs
It’s for summer kid                                             says he’s cutting in                                     lined against the wall
Barry and I are Townies                                     Peter is much bigger than Barry                 I do not want to be at this dance
I do not want to dance                                        He must be twelve
I have never danced                                                                                                               I am not what they are fighting about
Step                                                                    We stop dancing                                         This I know even at ten                                   
one two                                                               Stop                                                            It’s that Peter is not a Townie
Step                                                                    Stop                                                             much as he wants to be
three four                                                            Stop                                                            Barry is a townie
                                                                                                                                               much as he wishes he weren’t
I spent last night at Carla’s house.                     in the middle of the dance floor
Carla’s mother made me come to the dance.     Barry looks up at Peter and screams.          And I am a little girl 
She thinks she is helping me grow up                I had her first!                                            In someone else’s dress
Carla’s dress is three sizes too big for me         Peter smiles down at him                

Step                                                                    She’s mine now, I cut in.                      
one two                                                              Barry yells
Step                                                                     But I had her first!
three four
I want to run out the door