At the Green Grocer’s
Oranges beam
Sleekly as mandarins.
Their cheeks grained
As mellow leather is.
Spice, like a bloom, feathers
The thin tough skin.
Where, on a street gone dark,
Lit windows
Hole the night,
Their cosy gold is fellowed.
They could boast of cousins
In ancient Spain.
Spheres of rosy gold, little yellow
Worlds heaped here at
6oc a Doz. —
Sweet juicy
Shapely as violins, the pears
Look down.
These, rose-freckled like a strawberry,
Those, with an autumn cheek of withered brown,
Alike, their hauteur.
Beside the leek, Wales' pride,
The small white onions shine
As meek as pearls.
And pumpkins plump as camel-humps,
And squash: tapering
Fingers of light.
Noon turns them to bright as butter thumbs,
Wartily gesturing to the sun.
The eggplant does not make the gaudy show
Of pumpkins or pomegranates. Like the crow
Blackbird: the purple grackle, like the 'cello,
The eggplant's note is resonantly low.
It cannot, like the pineapple, display
A finial elegance; lacks the holiday
Grace of the grape. Yet this fruit is shaped
And burnished as those eggs ostriches lay.
Lying so close to the potato bin,
It seems too gorgeous for that distant kin.
Between cusped amethyst and tumbled tubers,
Choose? Sometimes the stained earth-apples win.
A large whitecheeked old woman smiling:
The homely solidity, the beauty of
The cauliflower is vulgar and beguiling.
Cauliflower, branched broccoli above,
And leafy sprouts below, all grown to please,
What share have they in the quality of love?
Nothing on earth is unromantic as these
But turnip lumps. The cauliflower's white
Florets, broccoli's green, are coarse as frieze.
The kale is blowsy. New cabbage, curled tight
As an embryo, the red, purply as cheap stained glass,
Are commoners, too obvious to delight.
Yet even the festive, rare asparagus
Does not take the eye like the simplicity
Of this vegetable that its neighbors here surpass
In voluptuous curves, color, delicacy.
There is a quality better than beguiling
In the cauliflower's homely solidity,
Like a large, whitecheeked old woman, smiling.
You with your brush bound to your swelled foiled hand
Would understand, old painter, this upanddown upanddown
Reaching and climbing. The grim grocer toils
Over his chiming pyramids, cares
Only for custom.
Each hour despoils the contrived order; evening
Destroys the flesh. With morning
Opulence is freshly alive,
Sounding the sun's note.
Blunt shapes under drumtight skins,
Sharp hues, some sweet,
Their vibrancy repeats: here is a man's
Livelihood; food to be bought, eaten; goods
Belonging to vision least.
The end here is still life. Custom provides
For the eyes first. They feast. Their feast invites
Thirst and delighted hunger. All are satisfied.