To make a play people come to see
is to make people, what you do.
to make people do They see what they
what you say; do, and they
to make real people may go away undone,
do and say You can make
what you make; people, or you
to make people make can unmake. You
what you say real; can do or you
to make real can undo. People
people make up you make up make up
and do what you and make people;
make up. What you people come to
make makes people see -- to see
come and see themselves real,
what people do and they go away
and say, and then and do what you
go away and do say — as if they
what they see — were made up,
and see what and wore makeup.
they do. Real To make a play
people do and say, is to make
and you see and people; to make
make up people; people make
themselves; to
make people
make themselves
new. So real.
=Tansy Mattingly