In Distrust of Merits
Strengthened to live, strengthened to die for to the fighting - it's a promise - œWe'll
medals and positioned victories? never hate, black, white, red, yellow, Jew,
They're fighting, fighting, fighting the blind Gentile. Untouchable." We are
man who thinks he sees, - not competent to
who cannot see that the enslaver is make our vows. With set jaw they are fighting.
enslaved; the hater, harmed. O shining O fighting, fighting, - some we love whom we know,
firm star, O tumultuous some we love but know not - that
ocean lashed till small things go hearts may feel and not be numb.
as they will, the mountainous it cures me; or am I what
wave makes us who look, know I can't believe in? Some
depth. Lost at sea before they fought! O in snow, some on crags, some in quicksands,
star of David, star of Bethlehem, little by little, much by much, they
O black imperial lion are fighting fighting fighting that where
of the Lord - emblem there was death there may
of a risen world - be joined at last, be be life, œWhen a man is prey to anger.
joined. There is hate's crown beneath which all is he is moved by outside things; when he holds
death; there's love's without which none his ground in patience patience
is king; the blessed deeds bless patience, that is action or
the halo. As contagion beauty. the soldier's defense
of sickness makes sickness, and hardest armor for
contagion of trust can make trust. They're the fight. The world's an orphan's home. Shall
fighting in deserts and caves, one by we never have peace without sorrow?
one, in battalions and squadrons; without pleas of the dying for
they're fighting that I help that won't come? O
may yet recover from the disease. My quiet form upon the dust, I cannot
Self; some have it lightly; some will die. œMan's look and yet I must. If these great patient
wolf to man and we devour dyings - all these agonies
ourselves. The enemy could not and wound bearings and bloodshed -
have made a greater breach in our can teach us how to live, these
defenses. One pilot- dyings were not wasted.
ing a blind man can escape him, but Hate-hardened heart, heart of iron,
Job disheartened by false comfort knew iron is iron till it is rust.
that nothing can be so defeating There never was a war that was
as a blind man who not inward; I must
can see. O alive who are dead, who are fight till I have conquered in myself what
proud not to see. O small dust of the earth causes war, but I would not believe it.
that walks so arrogantly, I inwardly did nothing
trust begets power and faith is O Iscariot-like crime!
an affectionate thing. We Beauty is everlasting
vow, we make this promise and dust is for a time.