Poem for A Lady
Whose Voice I Like
so he said: you ain't got no talent
if you didn't have a face
you wouldn't be nobody
and she said: god created heaven and earth
and all that's Black within them
so he said: you ain't really no hot shit
they tell me plenty sisters
take care better business than you
and she said: on the third day he made chitterlings
and all good things to eat
and said: "that's good"
so he said: if the white folks hadn't been under
yo skirt and been giving you the big play
you'd a had to come on uptown like everybody else
and she replied: then he took a big Black greasy rib
from adam and said we will call this woeman and her
name will be sapphire and she will divide into four parts
that simone may sing a song
and he said: you pretty full of yourself ain't chu
so she replied: show me someone not full of herself
and i'll show you a hungry person
= Mikah Kavita