Stevie Smith

The Forlorn Sea

Our Princess married 
A fairy King,
It was a sensational

Now they live in a palace
Of porphyry,
Far, far away,
By the fòrlorn sea.

Sometimes people visit them,
Last week they invited me
That is how I can tell you
They live by a fòrlorn sea.

(They said: Here’s a magic carpet,
Come on this,
And when you arrive
We will give you a big kiss.)

I play in the palace garden,
I climb the sycamore tree,
Sometimes I swim
In the fòrlorn sea.

The King and the Princess were shadowy,
Yet beautiful,
They are waited on by white cats,
Who are dutiful.

It is like a dream
When they kiss and cuddle me,
But I like it, I like it,
I do not wish to break free.

So I eat all they give me
Because I have read
If you eat fairy food
You will never wake up in your own bed.

But will go on living,
As has happened to me,
Far, far away
By a fòrlorn sea.