Wherever Your Sun Takes You
Holy Grail, Batman! Can’t you see it?
Ice cream fell on his arm when I went to explore
and found students reading papers. Please
join the opera about interesting things.
Congressman, I was one of the reasons the troubled
muse shuns its classical heritage. A positive negative voice.
Russell Weed said to read it,
and that’s my weakness now.
What kind of machine
instructs his stiffening member?
That would help. I don’t think I know who he is.
Like a disoriented codfish, the drive’s
out to get me. Did I mention cockchafers?
I was quite different then,
guilty of changing the money. Look, I—
Thanks. So you can do this at home,
on a whoopee calendar. But don’t do that.
with naked eyebrows, they didn’t realize they weren’t
modern. And such was the result.
But he never forgot that day on the water.
That, and mutability issues. Capisce?
I was quite different then.
Yes, I just remembered.
She’s going to be brutally named after you.
His shadow is on the other door.
What you see is what you get, neither
more nor less, but shapely.
Ratcheting up the task forces,
he’d hate yours.
Tell me. I’d assumed you were a doctor,
and it wasn’t just the beautiful and exacting places.
Worries, I had a few, but everything looked distinct
in his calm lens. I kind of forgot why I was coming,
what I wanted to say, in Indian August especially.
Ripe stairs, staggered deaths,
board of humiliation, and they come in here —
the Ice Saints, big time tumblers.
She hardly touched her dinner: routine evangelism,
full of the luck we had just inherited,
the uncrazy things that happened
on your doorstep.