Lawrence Ferlinghetti

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A Coney Island of the Mind


In Goya’s greatest scenes we seem to see
                                                                  the people of the world
           exactly at the moment when
                     they first attained the title of
                                                                   ‘suffering humanity’
                  They writhe upon the page
                                                  in a veritable rage
                                                                         of adversity
                     Heaped up
                                  groaning with babies and bayonets
                                                                      under cement skies
                        in an abstract landscape of blasted trees
                              bent statues bats wings and beaks
                                            slippery gibbets
                             cadavers and carnivorous cocks                 
                          and all the final hollering monsters
                                of the
                                          ‘imagination of disaster’
                         they are so bloody real
                                                       it is as if they really still existed

                 And they do

                                 Only the landscape is changed

            They still are ranged along the roads
                       plagued by legionnaires
                                                      false windmills and demented roosters

We are the same people
                                         only further from home
      on freeways fifty lanes wide
                               on a concrete continent
                                         spaced with bland billboards
                         illustrating imbecile illusions of happiness
           The scene shows fewer tumbrils
                                       but more strung-out citizens
                                                                  in painted cars
                    and they have strange license plates
               and engines
                                  that devour America


                                         Sailing thru the straits of Demos
                                                we saw symbolic birds 
                                                                          shrieking over us
                                   while eager eagles hovered
                                                               and elephants in bathtubs
                               floated past us out to sea
                                                                       strumming bent mandolins
                          and bailing for old glory with their ears
                                                                       while patriotic maidens
                               wearing paper poppies
                                                                   and eating bonbons
                                     ran along the shores
                                                                     wailing after us
                    and while we lashed ourselves to masts
                                                                and stopt our ears with chewing gum
                               dying donkeys on high hills
                                                                      sang low songs
                                     and gay cows flew away
                                                                             chanting Athenian anthems
                               as their pods turned to tulips
                                                                              and helicopters from Helios
                                                     flew over us
                                                                        dropping free railway tickets
                                     from Lost Angeles to Heaven
                                                                                    and promising Free Elections
                           so that
                                   we set up mast and sail
on that swart ship once more
                                           and so set forth once more
         forth upon the gobbly sea
                                             loaded with liberated vestal virgins
and discus throwers reading Walden
                          shortly after reaching
                                                       the strange suburban shores
                              of that great American
                                  looked at each other
                                                                  with a mild surprise
                                      silent upon a peak
                                                                   in Darien


The poet’s eye obscenely seeing

sees the surface of the round world

                      with its drunk rooftops

                      and wooden oiseaux on clotheslines

                      and its clay males and females

                      with hot legs and rosebud breasts

                      in rollaway beds

and its trees full of mysteries

and its Sunday parks and speechless statues

and its America
                       with its ghost towns and empty Ellis Islands

and its surrealist landscape of

                                               mindless prairies

                                               supermarket suburbs

                                               steamheated cemeteries

                                               cinerama holy days

                                               and protesting cathedrals

a kissproof world of plastic toiletseats tampax and taxis

                        drugged store cowboys and las vegas virgins

                        disowned indians and cinemad matrons

                        unroman senators and conscientious non-objectors

and all the other fatal shorn-up fragments

of the immigrant’s dream come too true

               and mislaid

                                 among the sunbathers


In a surrealist year 
                             of sandwichmen and sunbathers
                                   dead sunflowers and live telephones
         house-broken politicos with party whips
         performed as usual
         in the rings of their sawdust circuses
         where tumblers and human cannonballs
                                                filled the air like cries
                          when some cool clown
                                            pressed an inedible mushroom button
   and an inaudible Sunday bomb
                                                    fell down
catching the president at his prayers
                                                         on the 19th green

        O it was a spring
                                   of fur leaves and cobalt flowers
  when cadillacs fell thru the trees like rain
                  drowning the meadows with madness
while out of every imitation cloud
                                        dropped myriad wingless crowds
                                                        of nutless nagasaki survivors
          and lost teacups
          full of our ashes
          floated by


                      Sometime during eternity
                                                              some guys show up
and one of them
                          who shows up real late
                                                              is a kind of carpenter
       from some square-type place
                                                     like Galilee
              and he starts wailing
                                              and claiming he is hip
                  to who made heaven
                                                  and earth
                                                                and that the cat
                           who really laid it on us
                                                           is his Dad

               And moreover
                    he adds
                                It’s all writ down
                                                  on some scroll-type parchments
                   which some henchmen
                                                 leave lying around the Dead Sea somewheres
                           a long time ago
                                                   and which you won’t even find
for a coupla thousand years or so
                                                    or at least for
      nineteen hundred and fortyseven 
                                                          of them
                                  to be exact
                                                   and even then
         nobody really believes them 
                                                      or me
                                                               for that matter

         You’re hot
                          they tell him

         And they cool him

          They stretch him on the Tree to cool
                and everybody after that
                                                 is always making models
                              of this Tree
                                                with Him hung up
and always crooning His name
                                                and calling Him to come down
                          and sit in
                                        on their combo
                as if he is the king cat
                                               who’s got to blow
          or they can’t quite make it

         Only he don’t come down
                                                   from his Tree

Him just hang there
                               on his Tree
                                                 looking real Petered out
                                 and real cool
                                                     and also
          according to a roundup
                                               of late world news
 from the usual unreliable sources
                                                      real dead 


    They were putting up the statue
                of Saint Francis
          in front of the church
                of Saint Francis
                       in the city of san Francisco
 in a little side street
                         just off the Avenue
                                                       where no birds sang
 and the sun was coming up on time
                                                         in its usual fashion
             and just beginning to shine
                                             on the statue of Saint Francis
                  where no birds sang

  And a lot of old Italians
                                         were standing all around
       in the little side street
                                             just off the Avenue
         watching the wily workers
                                                  who were hoisting up the statue
       with a chain and a crane
                                           and other implements
 And a lot of young reporters 
                                              in button-down clothes
    were taking down the words
                                               of one young priest
         who was propping up the statue
                                                          with all his arguments

              And all the while
                                         while no birds sang
                                                            any Saint Francis Passion
and while the lookers kept looking
                                                   up at Saint Francis
          with his arms outstretched
                                                    to the birds which weren’t there
a very tall and very purely naked 
                                                     young virgin
  with very long and very straight
                                            straw hair
  and wearing only a very small
                                                   bird’s nest
       in a very existential place
                                   kept passing thru the crowd
                                                                           all the while
                    and up and down the steps
                                                           in front of St Francis
         her eyes downcast all the while
                                                           and singing to herself


What could she say to the fantastic foolybear
and what could she say to brother
and what could she say
                                     to the cat with future feet
and what could she say to mother
after that time the she lay lush
                                                among the lolly flowers
       on that hot riverbank 
                  where ferns fell away in the broken air
                                of the breath of her lover
      and birds went mad
                                     and threw themselves from trees
to taste still hot upon the ground
                                                    the spilled sperm seed.


         In Golden gate Park that day
                                                     a man and his wife were coming along
           thru the enormous meadow
                                                      which was the meadow of the world
He was wearing green suspenders
                                                      and carrying an old beat-up flute
                                                                                                 in one hand
     while his wife had a bunch of grapes
                                                       which she kept handing out
                                                               to various squirrels
                                                                                               as if each 
                                                                      were a little joke

     And then the tow of them came on
                                                   thru the enormous meadow
which was the meadow of the world
                                                          and then
                 at a very still spot where the trees dreamed
             and seemed to have been waiting thru all time
                                                                                               for them
               they sat down together on the grass
                                                              without looking at each other
                    and ate oranges
                                          without looking at each other
                                                                                 and put the peels
                in a basket which they seemed
                                                                 to have brought for that purpose
                    without looking at each other

And then
             he took his shirt and undershirt off
        but kept his hat on
                                                     and without saying anything
              fell asleep under it
                                            And his wife just sat there looking
at the birds which flew about
      calling to each other
                                      in the stilly air
as if they were questioning existence
                                or trying to recall something forgotten

But then finally
                    she too lay down flat
                                                   and just lay there looking up
                                                                                     at nothing
               yet fingering the old flute
                                                         which nobody played
                    and finally looking over
                                                          at him
           without any particular expression
                                                          except a certain awful look
                    of terrible depression


      it was like this when
                                  we waltz into this place
a couple of far out cats
                               is doing an Aztec two-step
And I says
                 Dad let’s cut
but then this dame
                       comes up behind me see
                                        and says
                            You and me could really exist
Wow I says
                   Only the next day
                        she has bad teeth
                                  and really hates


                       I have not lain with beauty all my life
                                 telling over to myself
                                                        its most rife charms

   I have not lain with beauty all my life
                                                  and lied with it as well
                  telling over to myself
                                       how beauty never dies
                     but lies apart 
                                    among the aborigines 
                                                                     of art
                        and far above the battlefields
                                                                     of love

             It is above all that 
                                         oh yes
       It sits upon the choicest of
                                                 Church seats
   up there where art directors meet
to choose the things for immortality
                                                         And they have lain with beauty
                                   all their lives
                                                   And they have fed on honeydew
            and drunk the wines of Paradise
                                                               so that they know exactly how
                  a thing of beauty is a joy
                        forever and forever
                                                       and how it never never
                               quite can fade
                                                     into a money-losing nothingness
   Oh no I have not lain
                                      on Beauty Rests like this
          afraid to rise at night
                                      for fear that I might somehow miss
some movement beauty might have made

      Yet I have slept with beauty
                                                  in my own weird way
and I have made a hungry scene or two
                                                              with beauty in my bed
    and so spilled out another poem or two
        and so spilled out another poem or two
                                                               upon the Bosch-like world


     The wounded wilderness of Morris Graves
           is not the same wild west
                                                   the white man found
It is a land that Buddha came upon
                                              from a different direction
    It is a wild white nest
                               in the true mad north
                                                                of introspection
            where ‘falcons of the inner eye’
                                                              dive and die
                      glimpsing in their dying fall
                                                  all life’s memory
                                                               of existence
               and with grave chalk wing
                                                draw upon the leaded sky
     a thousand threaded images
                                                 of flight

It is the night that is their ‘native habitat’
   these ‘spirit birds’ with bled white wings
            these droves of plover
                                bearded eagles
                                            blind birds singing
                                                             in glass fields
  these moonmad swans and ecstatic ganders
                                                                       trapped egrets
                                                   charcoal owls
                                                                      trotting turtle symbols
these pink fish among mountains
                                                     shrikes seeking to nest
                     whitebone drones
                                                 mating in air
          among hallucinary moons
 And a masked bird fishing
                                           in a golden stream
       and an ibis feeding
                                     ‘on its own breast’

             and a stray Connemara Pooka
                                                              (life size)

And then those blown mute birds
                                            bearing fish and paper messages
       between two streams 
                                  which are the twin streams
                                                                           of oblivion
            wherein the imagination
                                              turning upon itself
               with white electric vision
                                             refinds itself still mad
                                and unfed 
                                                among the hebrides


 ‘One of those paintings that would not die’
        its warring image
                                    once conceived
           would not leave
                                     the leaded ground
    no matter how many times
                                              he hounded it
                                                                    into oblivion

Painting over it did no good
             It kept on coming through
                                                      the wood and canvas
     and as it came it cried at him
                                                   a terrible bedtime song
         wherein each bed a grave
                                                 mined with unearthly alarmclocks
                         hollered horribly
                                                   for lovers and sleepers


Not like Dante

                      discovering a commedia

                                                         upon the slopes of heaven

I would paint a different kind

                                           of Paradiso

in which the people would be naked

                                              as they always are

                                                                     in scenes like that

                                            because it is supposed to be

                                                                  a painting of their souls

but there would be no anxious angels telling them

                       how heaven is

                                            the perfect picture of

                                                                         a monarchy

                     and there would be no fires burning

                                           in the hellish holes below

                             in which I might have stepped

                    nor any altars in the sky except

                                                                fountains of imagination


Don’t let that horse
                               eat that violin

     cried Chagall’s mother

                                         But he
                     kept right on

And became famous

And kept on painting
                                 The Horse With Violin In Mouth

And when he finally finished it
he jumped up upon the horse
                                              and rode away
               waving the violin

And then with a low bow gave it
to the first naked nude he ran across

And there were no strings 


         Constantly risking absurdity
                                                      and death
                   whenever he performs
                                                     above the heads
                                                                           of his audience
      the poet like an acrobat
                                     climbs on rime
                                               to a high wire of his own making
and balancing on eyebeams
                                             above a sea of faces
                paces his way
                                    to the other side of day
       performing entrechats 
                                      and sleight-of-foot tricks
   and other high theatrics
                                     and all without mistaking
                      any thing
                                    for what it may not be

          For he’s the super realist
                                        who must perforce perceive
                        taut truth
                                      before the taking of each stance or step
   in his supposed advance
                                        toward that still higher perch
where Beauty stands and waits
                                           with gravity
                                                       to start her death-defying leap

           And he
                     a little charleychaplin man
                                                   who may or may not catch
                       her fair eternal form
                                               spreadeagled in the empty air
                            of existence


              Kafka’s Castle stands above the world

     like a last bastille

                         of the Mystery of Existence

Its blind approaches baffle us

                                        Steep paths

      plunge nowhere from it

                                        Roads radiate into air

like the labyrinth wires

                               of a telephone central

thru which all calls are

                                  infinitely untraceable

          Up there

                    it is heavenly weather

Souls dance undressed


         and like loiterers

                                   on the fringes of a fair

we ogle the unobtainable

                                       imagined mystery

               Yet away around on the far side

                                           like the stage door of a circus tent

is a wide wide vent in the battlements

                                               where even elephants

                                                                               waltz thru


This life is not a circus where
the shy performing dogs of love
                                                   look on

as time flicks out
                            its tricky whip
                                                   to race us thru our paces
Yet gay parading floats drift by
                               decorated with gorgeous gussies in silk tights
                                       and attended by moithering monkeys
                                                                  make-believe monks
                                                                  horny hiawathas
                                          and baboons astride tame tigers
                                                     with ladies inside
                      while googly horns make merrygoround music
                  and pantomimic pierrots castrate disaster
                               with strange sad laughter
             and gory gorillas toss tender maidens heavenward
                    while cakewalkers and carnie hustlers
                all gassed to the gills
                    strike playbill poses
           and stagger after every
                                              wheeling thing
While still around the ring
                                    lope the misshapen camels of lust
   and all us Emmet Kelley clowns
                                always making up imaginary scenes
with all our masks for faces
                            even eat fake Last Suppers
                                                         at collapsible tables
             and mocking cross ourselves 
                                                          in sawdust crosses

And yet gobble up at last
                                to shrive our circus souls
            the also imaginary
                                         wafers of grace


                                           by the sound of my own voice
        and by the sound of birds
                                    singing on hot wires
     in sunday sleep I see myself
                                        slaying sundry sinners and turkeys
loud dogs with sharp dead dugs
                                      and black knights in iron suits
                  with Brooks labels
                                        and Yale locks upon the pants
       and with penis erectus for spear
                                                   I slay all old ladies
             making them young again
   with a touch of my sweet swaying sword
           retrouving them their maiden
                       hoods and heads
                                                 ah yes
                                                           in flattering falsehoods of sleep

             we come we conquer all
                                                    but all the while
real standard time ticks on
                                and new bottled babies with real teeth
       devour our fantastic
                               fictioned future


       In woods where many rivers run
                                         among the unbent hills
  and fields of our childhood
                                      where ricks and rainbows mix in memory 
although our ‘fields’ were streets
                              I see again those myriad mornings rise
        when every living thing
                                              casts its shadow in eternity
              and all day long the light
                                                   like early morning
                       with its sharp shadows shadowing
                                                                      a paradise
                               that I had hardly dreamed of
                                                            nor hardly knew to think
                       of this unshaved today
                                                   with its derisive rooks
                  that rise above dry trees
                                                  and caw and cry
and question every other
                           spring and thing


The pennycandystore beyond the El
is where I first
                       fell in love
                                        with unreality
Jellybeans glowed in the semi-gloom
of that september afternoon
A cat upon the counter moved among
                                              the licorice sticks
                         and tootsie rolls
            and Oh Boy Gum

Outside the leaves were falling as they died

A wind had blown away the sun

A girl ran in
Her hair was rainy
Her breasts were breathless in the little room

Outside the leaves were falling
                                  and they cried
                                                        Too soon! too soon!


She loved to look at flowers

smell fruit

And the leaves had the look of loving

But halfass drunken sailors

staggered thru her sleep

scattering semen

over the virgin landscape

At a certain age

her heart put about

searching the lost shores

And heard the green birds singing

from the other side of silence


Johnny Nolan has a patch on his ass

Kids chase him
                         thru screendoor summers

Thru the back streets 
                                 of all my memories

Somewhere a man laments 
                                           upon a violin

A doorstep baby cries
                                   and cries again
                                                      down steps

Which helps the afternoon arise again
to a moment of remembered hysteria

Johnny Nolan has a patch on his ass

Kids chase him


The Widder Fogliani
                      otherwise known as Bella Donna
                               the Italian lady
                                                    of American distraction
the Widder Fogliani
                                was a merryoldsoul
                she had whiskers
                                           on her soul

But she had a hard coming of it
                                          that time I beat her
                    at her own game
      which was painting moustaches
                                                      on statues
                                             in the Borghese gardens
                                     at three in the morning
and nobody the wiser
                                  if ever she gave
      some stray Cellini
                                   a free Christmas goose


We squat upon the beach of love
      among Picasso mandolins struck full of sand
                 and buried catspaws that know no sphinx
                       and picnic papers
                            dead crabs' claws
                                    and starfish prints

We squat upon the beach of love
          among the beached mermaids
                  with their bawling babies and bald husbands
                         and homemade wooden animals
                               with icecream spoons for feet
                                      which cannot walk or love
                                                except to eat

We squat upon the brink of love
     and are secure as only squatters are
           among the puddled leavings
                                                        of salt sex’s tides
               and the sweet semen rivulets
                                                and limp buried peckers
            in the sand’s soft flesh

And still we laugh
       and still we run
             and still we throw ourselves
                                          upon love’s boats
               but it is deeper
                                     and much later
                                                            than we think
                   and all goes down
                                      and all our lovebuoys fail us

And we drink and drown


 Cast up

            the heart flops over

                                           gasping ‘Love’

      a foolish fish which tries to draw

         its breath from flesh of air

And no one there to hear its death

                                     among the sad bushes

        where the world rushes by

                                   in a blather of asphalt and delay


    That ‘sensual phosphorescence
                                                my youth delighted in’

   now lies almost behind me
                                             like a land of dreams
                wherein an angel
                                           of hot sleep
              dances like a diva
                                          in strange veils
                 thru which desire
                                            looks and cries

And still she dances
                                dances still

        and still she comes
                                      at me
                                               with breathing breasts
              and secret lips

                                   and (ah)

                                                bright eyes


                  Peacocks walked

               under the night trees

                  in the lost moon 

         when I went out

                                looking for love

                  that night

      A ring dove cooed in a cove

   A cloche tolled twice

                                    once for the birth

          and once for the death

                                       of love
                                                that night 


     Dove sta amore
     Where lies love
     Dove sta amore
      Here lies love
   The ring dove love
    In lyrical delight
 Here love’s hillsong
Love’s true willsong
Love’s low plainsong
 Too sweet painsong
In passages of night
    Dove sta amore
     Here lies love
  The ring dove love
    Dove sta amore
     Here lies love


And that’s the way it always is and that’s the way
it always ends and the fire and the rose are one
and always the same scene and always the same
subject right from the beginning like in the Bible
or The Sun Also Rises which begins Robert Cohn
was middleweight boxing champion of his class
but later we lost our balls and there we go again
there we are again there’s the same old theme
and scene again with all the citizens and all
the characters all working up to it right from
the first and it looks like all they ever think of
is doing It and it doesn’t matter much with who
half the time but the other half it matters more
than anything O the sweet love fevers yes and
there’s always complications like maybe she has
no eyes for him or him no eyes for her or her no
eyes for her or him no eyes for him or something
or other stands in the way like his mother or
her father or someone like that but they go right
on trying to get it all the time like in Shakespeare
or The Waste Land or Proust remembering his Things
Past or wherever And they are all struggling
toward each other or after each other like those
marble maidens on that Grecian Urn or on any market
street or merrygoground around and around they go
all hunting love and half the hungry time not even
knowing just what is really eating them like Robin
walking in her Nightwood streets although it isn’t
quite as simple as all that as if all she really
needed was a good fivecent cigar oh no and those
who have not hunted will not recognize the hunting
poise and then the hawks that hover where the
heart is hid and the hungry horses crying and
the stone angels and heaven and hell and Yerma
with her blind breasts under her dress and then
Christopher Columbus sailing off in search and
Rudolph Valentino and Juliet and Romeo and John
Barrymore and Anna Livia and Abie’s Irish Rose
and so Goodnight Sweet prince all over again
with everyone and everybody laughing and crying
along wherever night and day winter and summer
spring and tomorrow like Anna Karenina lost in
the snow and the cry of hunters in a great wood
and the soldiers coming and Freud and Ulysses
always on their hungry travels after the same
hot grail like King Arthur and his nighttime knights
and everybody wondering where and how it will all
end like in the movies or in some nightmaze novel
yes as in a nightmaze Yes I said Yes I will and he
called me his Andalusian rose and I said Yes my
heart was going like mad and that’s the way Ulysses
ends as everything always ends when that hunting
cock of flesh at last cries out and has his glory
moment God and then comes tumbling down the sound
of axes in the wood and the trees falling and down
it goes the sweet cock’s sword so wilting in the
fair flesh fields away alone at last and loved
and lost and found upon the riverbank along a
riverrun right where it all began and so begins again