Jack Prelutsky

Audio Player

I Often Mow the Bathtub

I often mow the bathtub,
and I bathe upon the grass.
I often fish for horses,
and I saddle up a bass.
Sometimes I hammer my guitar,
sometimes I strum a nail.
Sometimes I sort my breakfast
while I eat the morning mail.

Before I climb on water,
I may swim a flight of stairs.
Before I nibble basketballs,
I dribble plums and pears.
Although I shovel bowling pins,
I also juggle dirt,
and when I wear a pizza,
I may also bake a shirt.

I like to shine potatoes,
and I like to mash my shoes.
Before I read my bicycle,
I like to ride the news.
I’ve tried to ring a tiger,
and I’ve tried to tame a bell.
My days are always interesting,
as surely you can tell.