Jack Prelutsky

Audio Player

A Witch Was in a Hardware Store

A witch was in a hardware store,
she radiated gloom.
A clerk asked "may I help you?"
She replied, "I've lost my broom!
I've had that broom for ages,"
she continued through her tears.
"I must replace it right away,
for midnight quickly nears!"

The clerk said sympathetically,
"I'm sorry for your plight
However, we sell splendid brooms,
you’ll have one by tonight."
He added, "Let me show you some,"
and led her through the store.
"Our newest brooms sweep cleaner
than the brooms we've had before."

"No, no!" the witch protested,
"I prefer a broom thats old,
like the one in the corner
with the noticeable mold."
"We were about to throw it out,"
the clerk replied, nonplussed.
"A broom like that will never do
to sweep up all your dust."

"Yes, yes!" she shrieked, and snatched it.
"Its mine at any cost
Its practically the double
of the broom I said I'd lost."
The clerk said, "We deliver,
and can send it out today."
"No need!" she cackled, grinning,
and she flew that broom away.