Jeffrey McDaniel

The Want Ads

I want a wife who gives hurricane blowjobs.
I want a husband with a vibrating tongue.
I want a volcano I can swallow.
I want an alarm clock that forgives me.
I want to step out of my life like an airplane.
I want to rip off my face like a monkey suit.
I want new hair follicles.
I want out of my contract.
I want to shut down the factory of mistakes, otherwise
    known as my big, fat mouth.
I want to pee champagne.
I want to shit out perfectly-wrapped Hershey Kisses.
I want to gather up raindrops and return them to the clouds.
I want to die in the arms of a revolutionary idea.
I want to be buried in a gown of snowflakes.
I want the worms that devour me to savor my taste.