John Donne
Songs and Sonnets
The Good-Morrow
Song - Goe, and catche a falling starre
Womans Constancy
The Sunne Rising
The Canonization
The Legacie
Breake of Day
The Anniversarie
A Valediction: Forbidding Morning
The Dreame
Loves Alchymie
The Flea
The Curse
The Apparition
The Extasie
The Will
The Relique
Negative Love
A Lecture Upon the Shadow
Sonnet. The Token
Elegies and Heroicall Epistle
Elegie V - His Picture
Elegie VII - Natures lay Ideot
Elegie VIII - The Comparison
Elegie X - The Dream
Devotions upon Emergent Occasions
No Man is an Island
Divine Poems
Absence, Hear Thou my Protestation
Death, be not proud*
Vocalist - Susannah Wood, Lissette Chao*
Poem Source: The Complete Poetry and Selected Prose of John Donne - The Modern Library - New York - 2001
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