Thomas Hardy
The Ballad-Singer
The Voice of the Thorn
The Oxen
At a Lunar Eclipse
The Last Chrysanthemum
Mad Judy
The Ruined Maid
The Reminder
New Year’s Eve
On the Departure Platform
A Thunderstorm in Town
Before Life And After
The Division
In the Mind’s Eye
To Sincerity
Faintheart in a Railway Train
Welcome Home
The Pat of Butter
The Sigh
To Carrey Clavel
The Fiddler
George Meredith
The Moon Looks In
To the Moon
I Looked Up from My Writing
At Moonrise and Onwards
Read by Moonlight
This Summer and Last
Vocalist - Riccardo LaSpina
Poem Source: Thomas Hardy - The Copmplete Poems - Palgrave Macmillan - 2001
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