A.E. Housman
A Shropshire Lad
II - Loveliest of trees, the cherry now
V - Oh see how thick the goldcup flowers
VI - When the lad for longing sighs
XIII - When I was one-and-twenty
XIX - To an Athlete Dying Young
XLI - In my own shire, if I was sad
XLIX - Think no more, lad
LI - Loitering with a vacant eye
LIV - With rue my heart is laden
Last Poems
II - As I gird on for fighting
XIV - The Culprit
XXVI - The half-moon westers low, my love,
XXVIII - Now dreary dawns the eastern light
XXXV - When first my way to fair I took
XXXVIII - Oh stay at home, my lad, and plough
More Poems
They say my verse is sad: no wonder
IX - When green buds hang in the elm like dust
XVI - How clear, how lovely bright
XXI - The world goes none the lamer
XXX - Shake hands, we shall never be friends, all's over
XXXII - Their seed the sowers scatter
XXXIX - My dreams are of a field afar
Vocalist - Phil Sheridan
Poem Source: The Collected Poems of A.E. Housman - Holt Paperbacks - Henry Holt and Company, LLC - 1965
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