Dylan Thomas
The Poems of Dylan Thomas
I know this vicious minute's hour
Cool, Oh No Cool
The air you breathe
Sometimes the sky's too bright
Rain cuts the place we tread
The Spire Cranes
Time Enough to Rot
It’s Not in Misery But in Oblivion
To be encompassed by the brilliant earth
High on a hill
Since, On a Quiet Night
They Are the Only Dead Who Did Not Love
Being But Men
Out of the Sighs
Let it be Known
Light, I Know, Treads the Ten Million Stars
And death shall have no dominion
‘Find Meat on Bones’
Ears In the turrets hear
Shall gods be said to thump the clouds
Before we mothernaked fall
The force that through the green fuse drives...
From love's first fever to her plague
The almanac of time
It is the sinners' dust-tongued bell
Not from this anger
Once it was the colour of saying
Deaths And Entrances
Love in the Asylum
The hunchback In the park
Among Those Killed In The Dawn Raid Was A Man Aged A Hundred
Vision and Prayer
Fern Hill
In my craft or sullen art
Do not go gentle into that good night
On A Wedding Anniversary
On The Marriage Of A Virgin
Last Night I Dived My Beggar Arm
When All My Five and Country Senses See
Poem In October
Early Poems
The Song of the Mischievous Dog
Forest Picture
In Dreams
Clown In The Moon
The Elm
The Oak
The Pine
To the Spring-Spirit
You Shall Not Despair
We Will Be Conscious of Our Sanctity
I Have Come To Catch Your Voice
No, Pigeon, I’m Too Wise
Pillar Breaks
It’s Light That Makes the Intervals
Let Me Escape
The Rod Can Lift It’s Twining Head
Admit the Sun
My River
A Child's Christmas in Wales
A Child's Christmas In Wales
Vocalist - Richard Titus
Poem Source: The Poems of Dylan Thomas - New Directions - 2003
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