William Wordsworth
Lines Left upon a Seat in a Yew-tree
The Reverie of Poor Susan
1798 - 1800
Night Piece
Her Eyes are Wild
Lines Written in Early Spring
A Whirl-Blast from Behind the Hill
Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey
The Old Cumberland Beggar
Animal Tranquility and Decay
There Was a Boy
She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways
The Prelude - Book I - Excerpt
The Prelude - Book XI - Excerpt
The Thorn
1802 - 1807
Part 1
To a Butterfly (1)
To a Butterfly (2)
To the Small Celandine
Resolution and Independence
It is a Beauteous Evening, Calm and Free
I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
To Sleep (1)
To Sleep (2)
To Sleep (3)
Ode on Intimations of Immortality
The World Is Too Much With Us
Composed upon Westminster Bridge
To Toussaint L’Ouverture
My Heart Leaps Up
The White Doe of Rylstone
Canto First
Canto Second
Canto Third
Canto Fourth
Canto Fifth
Canto Sixth
Canto Seventh
Surprised by Joy — Impatient as the Wind
To M.H.
1817 - 1833
If This Great World of Joy and Pain
To a Highland Girl
Vocalist - The Ensemble
Poem Source: Selected Poetry of William Wordsworth. Ed. Mark Van Doren. Modern Library. 2002
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