Mother Goose
There Was A Little Man
Little Betty Winkle, She Had a Pig
Cross Patch Draw the Latch
I Won't Be My Father's Jack
There Was an Old Woman Who Loved Under a Hill
Ding Dong Bell
Is John Smith within?
Hi! diddle, diddle
Cockle a Doodle Doo
There Was an Old Man in a Velvet Coat
Jack and Jill
There Were Two Birds Sat on a Stone
Little Jack Horner
Who Comes Here?
Jack Sprat
What care I how black I be
When I was a little boy, I had but little wit
A Long-Tailed Pig
Robin and Richard
I would, if I could
Piping hot, smoking hot
Simple Simon
Old Father Grey Beard
Old Father Longlegs
O Rare Harry Parry!
I had a little husband
There was a lady loved a swine
Up hill and down dale
Taffy was a Welshman
Drunk or sober, go to-bed Tom
There was a frog liv’d in a well
Can you make me a cambrick shirt
Says I'auld man in oak treetop oak tree
There was an old woman, and what do you think?
There was a little Guinea pig
A man of words and not of deeds
Here stands a fist
A little old man and I fell out
Little boy, pretty boy, where was you born?
The man in the moon
O that I was where I would be
A diller, a dollar
I am a pretty wench
I doubt, I doubt
Hark, hark, the dogs do bark
I will tell my own daddy when he comes home
I had a little moppet
There was an old woman who lived in a shoe
Come, let’s to bed
Goose-a-goose-a, gander
Four and twenty tailors
John, come sell thy fiddle
There was a lady all skin and bone
Old Dr. Forster
Old woman, old woman, shall we go a shearing?
Sing jig my jole, the pudding bowl
Bell horses, bell horses
O the little rusty, dusty, rusty miller
The rose is red, the grass is green
Doctor Foster was a good man
The cat sat asleep by the side of the fire
Little maid, pretty maid, whither goest thou?
The cock’s on the dunghill, a blowing his horn
Up street and down street, each window’s made of glass
As I was going up Pippin Hill
Barnaby Bright he was a sharp cur
There Was an Old Woman Tossed Up in a Blanket
If all the world were apple pie
Old Mother Niddity Nod swore by the pudding-bag
Little Brown Betty lived at the Golden Can
Yankee Doodle came to town
There was an old woman who had nothing
I’ll sing you a song
Little Bo-peep has lost her sheep
Vocalist - Wayne Vargas
Poem Source: The Annotated Mother Goose - Bramhall House - 1962
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