Lorine Niedecker
Wintergreen Ridge
My life is hung up
Paean to Place
My Life by Water
When Ecstasy is Inconvenient
Will You Write Me a Christmas Poem?
Promise of a Brilliant Funeral
The clothesline post is set
In the great snowfall
What horror to awake at night
February almost March bites
Linnaeus in Lapland
You are my friend
The wild and wavy event
I knew a clean man
Who was Mary Shelley?
Jefferson and Adams
Thomas Jefferson Inside
Thomas Jefferson
Remember my little granite pail?
Black Hawk held
There's a better shine
Asa Gray wrote Increase Lapham
In moonlight lies
I walked
Katherine Ann
Now in one year
Popcorn-can cover
Your erudition
Far reach
Poet's Work
The cabin door flew open
The elegant office girl
When brown folk lived a distance
Dear Mona, Mary and all
Vocalist - Shelley Lynn Johnson, Joan Bernier
Poem source: Selected poems of Lorine Niedecker edited by Cid Corman North Point Press -1985
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